Melissa-Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) has fantastic antiviral, anti-fungal, and antiseptic herbal healing benefits. Lemon Balm is one of the best known natural herbal … [Read More...]

Natural Lemon Balm Products
Compare natural lemon balm products using this guide to select the best option for your needs. Still have questions regarding the healing benefits of lemon balm or which product is … [Read More...]

How our Lemon Balm Melissa Ointment is Made
The organic Lemon Balm herb is immersed in a mixture of almond and apricot oils. The herbs soak in the oil allowing time for their herbal medicinal properties to be infused … [Read More...]

Melissa Ointment for Cold Sores and Muscle Aches
Melissa is more commonly known as Lemon Balm. The name Melissa comes from it’s Latin name Melissa officinalis. Melissa is a natural herbal way to heal herpes and herpes cold … [Read More...]

Relief From Shingles
Shingles is a painful viral infection caused by the varicella zoster virus. This is the same virus that causes chicken pox. It isn’t life threatening, but it does cause a painful … [Read More...]

Herpes Virus Skin Care
Melissa Lemon Balm Ointment (Melissa officinalis) is one of the top choices for natural herbal healing of herpes virus and herpes cold sores. In German scientific studies, … [Read More...]